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Graduate students, Department of Engineering


This page provides information on the various sources of funding available to current students in the department of Engineering, and how to access the funds. This includes funding for attending conferencesResearch Training Support Grants (for those in receipt of certain departmental studentships), funding for undertaking fieldwork which is offered by the School of Technology and information on what to do if you are experiencing financial hardship.


Research Training Support Grants (for departmental studentships)

The following studentships, awarded by the department, include a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG):

  • Qualcomm
  • WD Armstrong

Those in receipt of one of these studentships should use these funds towards the costs of attending conferences, training courses, or for purchases of goods or services which support the specific research project.

How to apply for funding towards conferences or training courses

Applications must be made in advance of travel. Please follow the steps below:

  1. At least one month before travelling, submit the online conference funds application form. Please note that the University does not support the use of unregulated accomodation, such as Airbnb.
  2. Your supervisor will be asked to complete a supporting statement form.
  3. You will receive an email informing you of whether your application has been successful, and the approximate value of your award (pending receipts submitted after the conference). This will usually be within one week of your supervisor submitting their form, although it may be longer during busy periods.
  4. During your trip, retain receipts for all expenditure.
  5. Within two weeks of your return, submit a completed expenses claim form, along with your receipts, and submit it to the GSO for authorisation. Claims submitted more than two weeks after the return date given on your application form, or without supporting receipts, will not be reimbursed.
  6. You will be reimbursed for all pre-authorised expenditure which is supported by receipts.

How to apply for funds to purchase goods or services

Applications must be made in advance of making any purchases. Following authorisation, purchases must be made via the Engineering Department Requisition System (EDRS)

**If you are purchasing computer equipment, please contact for advice before placing any orders. They will be able to suggest equipment that will meet your needs and will be suitable for use in the Department.

  1. Complete the RTSG application form, ask your supervisor and Head of Division to authorise it, then return it to the Graduate Studies Office (GSO).
  2. GSO staff will check that it is an allowable purchase and that you have sufficient funds available, and pass it to the Deputy Head of Department (Graduates) for final authorisation.
  3. If authorised by the DHoD (Graduates), GSO staff will then let you know which grant number you should use, and you can make a requisition using the online EDRS system.

RTSG spending regulations

  • Each studentship has a maximum annual RTSG limit. You can email the Graduate Studies Office to find out how much is available to you. It is not possible use funds from future years, or to carry forward unspent funds (which are recycled into new studentships).
  • If you are in receipt of multiple grants (eg fees from one source and maintenance from another), you will only get an RTSG from one. This will be from whichever grant offers the highest annual award, or at the discretion of GSO staff if both are equal.
  • Funds can only be spent on costs incurred during the studentship.
  • Any goods purchased with the RTSG remain the property of the Department of Engineering.
  • Claims for expensive equipment which are not specifically needed for the project or which are made in the later stages of the studentship are unlikely to be authorised.
  • It is not possible to claim for consumables, equipment or services which are provided to other Engineering students as standard.


Funding for attending conferences or training courses

Students in receipt of certain studentships via the Engineering Department are allocated funding that can be used to support the costs of attending conferences, see above.

The department can only provide limited support for students who are NOT in receipt of a studentship with a support grant element. The department considers that the biggest impact that can be made with the limited fund money available is to support CUED students who present their research at international conferences. It will also consider funding requests for attending training courses where a good case can be made in support of the student attending. These grants are paid from income from the following Trust Funds:

  • William George Collins Endowment Fund
  • Ford of Great Britain Trust Fund
  • Charles Hesterman Merz Fund
  • Rex Moir Fund

The amount available for travel varies from year to year depending on the income of the Funds.

How to apply

Applications must be made in advance of travel. Please follow the steps below:

  1. At least one month before travelling, submit the online conference funds application form. Please note that the University does not support the use of unregulated accomodation, such as Airbnb.
  2. Your supervisor will be asked to complete a supporting statement form.
  3. You will receive an email informing you of whether your application has been successful, and the approximate value of your award (pending receipts submitted after the conference). This will usually be within one week of your supervisor submitting their form, although it may be longer during busy periods.
  4. During your trip, retain receipts for all expenditure.
  5. Within two weeks of your return, submit a completed expenses claim form, along with your receipts, and submit it to the GSO for authorisation. Claims submitted more than two weeks after the return date given on your application form, or without supporting receipts, will not be reimbursed.
  6. You will be reimbursed for all pre-authorised expenditure which is supported by receipts.

Eligibility criteria

  • Students on one year courses are not eligible.
  • Students will not normally be given more than one travel grant per year and not more than two in total from department funds.
  • The total amount given for any one grant from the department will not normally exceed £1000.
  • Students are expected to be presenting a poster or a paper if attending a conference.
  • Applicants are expected to apply for matching funding from their College or any other relevant body. It is not good practice to apply to CUED for one conference and to College for another.
  • If student grants (for travel, registration fee etc) are available from the conference organisers, the applicant is expected to apply for these if eligible.
  • Students are advised not to apply in their first year, as it is expected that they will benefit more from attending a conference in the 2nd or 3rd year.
  • Grants are not given to students who have passed their submission deadline or who have submitted their thesis by the time of the conference.
  • All expenditure must be supported by receipts.


Funding for undertaking fieldwork

Postgraduate students in the department of Engineering can apply for funding from the School of Technology fieldwork funds, which can provide a contribution towards the cost of substantial research undertaken outside of Cambridge, either in the UK or overseas. Further information and an application form are available on the School's website.


What to do if you are experiencing financial hardship

Unfortunately, the department does not have any funds available for students facing financial difficulty, or who have reached the end of their funding period. If you are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties, you should discuss this with your College Tutor and your supervisor, as they may have funding available. Your College can also assist you with applying to the Postgraduate Financial Assistance Fund.

You can search for other funding via the University Funding Search

Full-time students are subject to the University's working restrictions, and should not rely on employment to generate essential income.